SymptomScreen Guide Updates August 2022

Based on feedback and requests from our users, the SymptomScreen clinical authoring team has created 13 new guides, updated 5 existing guides, improved the wording of 3 existing questions, and added alternative titles to 6 existing guides for better searching. This brings the total number of guides available in SymptomScreen to 244.

New Guides:

  1. Hand or Wrist Swelling
  2. Hiccups
  3. Homicidal Thoughts
  4. Jaundice – Not Newborn
  5. Monkeypox Exposure (No Symptoms)
  6. Monkeypox Suspected
  7. Object in Rectum
  8. Object in Vagina
  9. Shaking
  10. Skin Spot
  11. Sleeping Difficulty
  12. Vaginal Bleeding – Newborn
  13. Varicose Veins – Caller Reports

Did you know? SymptomScreen is highly customizable, and we even offer you the ability to create your own guides! Our list of screening guides is robust and ever-growing, but if there is something you need a guide for that is not currently included in SymptomScreen–you can build your own.

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