Gather Accurate Information Quickly

Route Calls Correctly to Triage or Scheduling

Streamline Team Communication

Customize Workflows for Your Agents

Old Non-Clinical Tools for Handling Sick Calls are Broken. Here’s why:

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    Simplistic and inconsistently used “red flag” lists for non-clinical schedulers allow for mistakes or misprioritization
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    Too many calls and not enough triage nurses means slow response time for patients and potential safety issues
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    Missed urgent or emergent calls can result in delayed patient care, near misses, or bad outcomes

SymptomScreen routes calls to the right people at the right time for the right care.

SymptomScreen is a Better Choice Than Traditional Screening Tools

“Red flag” trigger words tend to be overly simplistic, hard to use consistently on every call, and require some degree of decision-making or judgment on the part of the non-clinical user. SymptomScreen is different.

Search by Symptoms

SymptomScreen takes all symptoms into account. Agents and support staff can search by any combination of a caller’s symptoms to find the appropriate screening guide. SymptomScreen can even accept non-medical language and misspellings.

Screen for Urgency

Agents will be provided with specific yes or no questions to gather data about the symptom(s). Based on the caller’s answers to these questions, a priority is assigned to the call and your agents are given instructions on what to do next.

Follow Priority Guidance

Agents are presented with pre-determined instructions for next steps, telling them exactly what to do so there is no clinical decision-making required. During the initial setup of SymptomScreen, you write these instructions to match your workflow and resources.

Document the Call

SymptomScreen creates a summary of the data collected that can be sent in a message or documented in the patient’s chart. SymptomScreen works seamlessly with any software system including all EHR, EMR, CRM, or scheduling systems.

Ready to experience the efficiency of SymptomScreen?

Why Our Customers Love SymptomScreen

Safe and Consistent



Physician Authored

Optimize Nurse Triage

Optimize Scheduling

Simplify Training

Screening Guide Authors

The information used to screen calls was written by these experts. Non-clinical staff use their guides to prioritize calls and move patients quickly to the appropriate next step in care.

Dr. Barton Schmitt, MD, FAAP

  • Senior Medical Editor, Schmitt-Thompson nurse telephone triage protocols
  • Prior Director, Children’s Hospital Colorado Call Center
  • Author of the AAP’s Pediatric Symptom Checker

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Michaelyn (Mikey) Brewer, MPAS, PA-C

  • Market Director, Access and Virtual Strategies at CHI Health in Omaha, NE
  • Eleven years as a PA in primary care, urgent care, and retail medicine

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Dr. Morgan Eutermoser, MD

  • Medical Director, Denver Health NurseLine
  • Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine

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